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The Four Trends of Online and Live Baccarat

The Four Trends of Online and Live Baccarat

Baccarat, also known as Baccara, is a comparing card game played between two hands, the “player” and the “banker”. Each round of the game has likely three outcomes: the player gets the high score, the banker gets the high score or there’s a tie between the two.

If you’d like to play Baccarat online or give it a try in a live casino, here are the four trends you’ll likely encounter. These trends are quite useful as they can give you a better idea of what you’re up against and what strategies you can use to improve your gameplay. So, make sure you check them out.

The Zigzag Zone

The outcome of Baccarat tends to follow a zigzag pattern, which means they change between the player and the bankers. The zigzag zone is made up of first and second-line outcomes.

However, the outcome occasionally breaks out of the zigzag zone. When this happens, you can look forward to the banker or player streaks, depending on whose hand it is. But if the change is only momentary, the zigzag zone would still be the dominant trend.

Streaky Banker and Players

This is the most common trend you’ll encounter at many Baccarat tables. Here, the outcomes are predominantly streaks of bankers or players, and the trend usually starts at the third line. So, when you play Baccarat online, keep an eye out for it.

While it’s true that the first and second lines can also display outcomes, ideally, you should monitor the game from the third line onwards. This is because the first and second lines are only being filled on the scoreboard as transition outcomes (that is from banker to player streaks and vice versa). Only in some instances does the pattern show a short zigzag zone streak without the player or banker streak breakout occurring. So, it’s much better to monitor the game where the third line starts.

The Four Trends of Online and Live Baccarat

The Trend Switch Treatment

Unlike the zigzag zone and the streaky bankers and players, the trend switch treatment tends to be somewhat difficult to understand. Here, you alter your wagers to protect your bankroll or switch the table in the hope that a winning trend will stay on for long. That being said, it’s important for you to know both the risks and rewards.

Considering both the rewards and risk can help you in improving your gameplay. A sound bankroll management strategy will assist you in withstanding the uncertainty the game brings. Also, you may want to browse through the tables first to find the one that is most suitable to your bankroll.

The Hovering State

The hovering state refers to a condition of a no specific trend, which makes it a bit difficult for players to gain a profit. Whenever you experience the hovering state, you’ll notice that the table outcomes cannot decide which streak to take, whether to favour the player or the banker. However, this in itself is a trend, one which needs careful study and observation.

An important thing to learn in this case is to know when to apply a stop-loss strategy. You can also wait for a new shoe to begin or simply change the Baccarat tables.

Important tips to follow

Here are a few helpful tips to follow when playing the game.

Determine the trend

Before you make a bet on the table, make sure you identify the trend first.

Pay attention to the first two trends

Look out for tables that demonstrate the first two trends, as this can help you in improving your gameplay. If it seems that there’s no discernible trend, don’t participate in the game. Wait until the game finishes or look for other tables.

Stop when you lose twice

If you’ve determined that the trend is in a zigzag pattern and you lose twice, you’ll need to reevaluate and adjust your strategy. Otherwise, you’ll keep on experiencing losing streaks.

Bet the last result

Do this when you identify the trend at the table is the first one, with the player or bankers with streaks.


Keeping an eye on the four trends and following the above-mentioned tips can help significantly improve your gameplay. But keep in mind that Baccarat is a game of chances, so none of them can offer guaranteed wins.