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Books That Gamblers Need to Read ASAP

There have been a number of gambling books in the market but only a few fall under a special category called, ‘read them asap’. Written by established names, the following gambling books are some of the best that you will ever find in the market.So go ahead and take a look at these books that …

The Best Types of Online Slots

Slots have always been a game that everyone loves to play, which is why we now have different types of online slots. The digital game brings in the right kind of features and by bringing in different types, it has also led us to talk about the best among the lot.  Since a lot has …

The Most Popular Live Casino Games


Live casino games have turned out to be the real deal with people wanting to either try it out or at least view them with the hope of trying them out in the near future. With so many online live casinos, the process of trying them out is quite easy and everyone can look forward …

Your Guide to Social Casinos & Gambling

The term social gambling might not seem like something that can get you confused but in reality it does. And if you are wondering how, you need to consider what first appeared in your mind when you heard the term social gambling or social casinos.  If it were to do with something related to a …

Differences Between Baccarat and Punto Banco

Baccarat has variations and exploring them leaves you with options. And the specific Baccarat games that we are going to talk about today are Baccarat and Punto Banco. Both these classics have their own style of play, despite people often comparing them and calling them similar. While players opting for Online Baccarat don’t really go …

Tash Games Online: Learn, How To Play Tash Wala Games

Tash Games Online

‘Tash’ is the Hindi word for cards, or more accurately ‘playing cards’. Tash games are basically card games.  Most tash games and card games in general are played with the French-suited, standard 52 deck. Every deck consists of four suits of cards: Spades (Hukum), Hearts (Paan/Dil), Clubs (Chidi) and Diamonds (Eent).  Each suit has 13 …

7 of the Most Unusual Casinos in the World 

From movies to casinos, gambling has been all around the place. It is a famous activity that you have either tried or at least heard about. And one of the most famous platforms that promote the same are casinos. You will always find exclusive casino games such as slot games and more at these places. …

Blackjack vs Poker: Choosing the Better Game

Casino players look towards choosing one or two games in particular and thus go about playing them with ease. However, some might be confused about choosing one for various reasons. And if your confusion is between Blackjack and Poker, then you are at the right place. While both these games are special and have their …

Blackjack Etiquettes for the Player in You

Are you interested to play blackjack? If yes, knowing the blackjack etiquette is highly important. Blackjack is one of the best mobile casino games. It comes with simple rules and is thrilling to play. It has everything you would ever want. Moreover, using the basic strategies, you get the chance to make the best moves.  …