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Common Myths and Fallacies About Blackjack


Blackjack is a casino game that is quite enjoyed by gamblers around the world. The simplicity of the game is what attracts and appeals to the players. The best thing is that you need little to no skill or knowledge to engage in the game of Blackjack online. Even if you are a novice player, you are sure to enjoy this casino game. Apart from knowing the Blackjack history, understanding the basic rules is all you need to get started. However, often the Blackjack myths and fallacies limit gamblers from making the most of the game. Believing such myths may simply misguide you and affect your gaming experience. 

Here are some of the most common Blackjack myths that you need to stop believing. Let’s take a look!

  • The goal is to hit 21

This is one of the most common myths that people believe to be true even today. But the fact is that the aim of Blackjack is not to score a 21. Instead, the main goal is to beat the dealer. Getting close to 21 is just a way to beat the dealer in the game. So, rather than giving all your energy to hitting a 21, you must try to look for ways to beat the dealer. 

There are several house rules that you must take note of while engaging in the game of Blackjack. A number of casinos have a house rule in which a dealer has to draw to soft 17 or hard 17. In such a situation, trying to reach a score of 21 may not be helpful in beating the dealer. Therefore, you must look out for other strategies.

  • You need to be a maths whiz to ace Blackjack successfully

Another common Blackjack myth is that in order to ace the game like a pro, you need to be a maths wizard. However, it isn’t true, actually. Whether you have strong mathematical skills or zero skills does not matter at all. The basics of the game are quite easy to learn. To ace Blackjack, all you need is a good understanding of the basic rules. In addition to that, practice can help you get better at the game with time.

  • The house edge is low

Many players are of the view that the house edge of Blackjack is always low. However, it is again a myth. No doubt, Blackjack has a comparatively lower house edge than other casino games. But a point to note here is that different variants of Blackjack come with unique rules and odds. So, depending on these rules and odds, the house edge may increase a little in some variants. 

Players cannot alter the Blackjack house edge in any manner. So, instead of focusing on the house edge, you can try to play strategically so that it remains as low as possible.

  • The strategies are complicated

A number of players avoid engaging in the game of Blackjack, thinking that the strategies are quite complicated. The truth is that the strategies of Blackjack are not complicated. It is because there is only one strategy that works. Card counting is a strategy that actually works. It can provide you with a little edge over the casino house. 

Apart from card counting, almost all Blackjack strategies are found to be ineffective. All you can do is be more watchful about the cards on the table and determine your move accordingly. 

  • Unskilled players can affect your winning chances

A common belief among the players is that having an unskilled player at the Blackjack table can affect their winning chances. However, it is nothing but one of the Blackjack myths. No doubt, it can be quite frustrating to have an inexperienced player at the table. But that doesn’t mean they can in any way affect your gameplay. 

The moves of the unskilled Blackjack players actually have no impact on the ability of the dealer to lose or win. As you are playing against the dealer, it will also have no impact on your winning chances. Moreover, the results of the game are random. So, there is absolutely no reason why you must avoid a Blackjack table having unskilled players.

  • Card counting guarantees huge profits

Many gamblers have a perception that card counting can provide them with huge profits in the game of Blackjack. No doubt, card counting is one of the best strategies to gain an edge and beat the dealer. But it does not guarantee huge profits. 

In the past, card counting has helped several players to win lumpsum amounts of money. So, it is often seen as the sure-shot recipe to gaining fortune and fame overnight. This is exactly where people go wrong. In reality, card counting isn’t as glamorous as it seems to be. To take home a huge profit, you may have to bet a lot of money. Moreover, you may even have to play a lot of Blackjack games. 

Also, the house edge of the game remains 0.5%. That means there is still a chance of losing. So, card counting does not guarantee huge profits. It can only provide you with a chance to enhance your gameplay.

  • Consecutive losses lead to big wins

Yet another Blackjack myth is that consecutive losses result in big wins. With this perception, many players keep on betting even after losing a number of matches. However, this can negatively impact your gameplay and affect your bankroll management. So, make sure not to believe this myth. Instead, set a losing limit. Once you reach that limit, refrain from placing more bets. This can save you from bigger losses.


By now, you must be well aware of the most common Blackjack myths and fallacies. It is time to avoid believing such myths that can negatively impact your gameplay. Instead, try to stay well informed about the true facts of the game of Blackjack. Whether you are playing at a land-based UK casino or at the mobile casinos, make sure to avoid the Blackjack insurance. Moreover, do not place the Blackjack side bets. Understand the basic rules and strategies to significantly enhance your gameplay and get the best experience of Blackjack gaming.